Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dancing Feet and Purple.

Well here I am. A blog.
Don't ask why I decided I wanted a blog, because I'm not really sure.
I've had many blogs before, but what usually happens is I post for a few days, maybe a week. And then I forget about it.
So I'll try not to do that this time.

I guess I'll start off with me.

I'm Annie.
I'm fourteen.
I doubt you'll want to read a blog by a fourteen year old freshman.
But maybe you will. Who knows.
I guess in order to really decide if you want to continue, you'll want to know some of the things I like that I'll be talking about.
Well I'm an artist. And normally, this wouldn't mean too much in my blog. But I've got a new art teacher who actually lets me draw in school this year. So maybe that'll go somewhere.

I'm a dancer. I counted up earlier today, and through my whole life I've taken 23 year-long dance classes.
I took 2 years of preschool dance classes.
6 years of ballet. This will be my 7th.
7 years of jazz. This will be my 8th year, but I'm taking two jazz classes.
I started tap last year, so this is gonna be my 2nd year.
And I took hiphop for 3 years.
So yeah. Now you know that.

I go to Shelby High School. I'm a freshman. I don't feel to swell about that, mainly because I knew that in the 8th grade, I couldn't help but walk by the 6th and 7th graders and think, 'I'm superior to your puny minds' and such. So I have a strong feeling that the upperclassmen feel the same way.
My electives are Art and French. They would've been art and drama, but I have to take like, a year or two of foreign language.
So there.
And I kinda like French. Its fun.
I am gonna sign up for play production though. Its kinda like... after school drama.
Yeah. So drama. After school.

You're probably confused now, because I have sentances that make sense in my head, but I can't ever get them to make sense out loud.
Or in text.

Lets see... what else about me.
I have few friends. But I'm okay with that. I don't want a lot of friends. Too much of a hassle.
Theres Taylor.
And Rachel.
And Becky.
And I guess Adam too, because if he happens to read this and sees that he's not on here, he'll freak out.
And if you every hear me mention these people, then you know that they're my best friends.
Except for Adam. He's a loser who loves the evil face >:D
I've got lots of other semi-friends... like you know. People that you'll eat lunch with and sit in class with, but you probably won't invite them to a party for your 'closest friends'.
So when I say friends, I could mean best friends, or just semi-friends.
But generally, if I'm talking about Becky or Taylor or Rachel (or Adam) its best friends.

And another reason I'm including Adam is because I talk to him a lot. And thats what I happen to be doing as I type this very sentance.

But about more of my friends... as in best friends.
Rachels cool like that man. She's a gangster. She goes to a different school than me, but we see each other during dance. And we text message a lot.
And on rare occations we see each other outside dance. But she's still my best friend.
Taylor is a freak of nature. But we love her anyway. She likes being 'scene' or whatever. She wears really bright colors and dark raccoon eyeliner all the time. She bleached her hair, and she got extentions. She likes skinny jeans but she calls them tight pants and she can be posessive about them. But thats okay. Taylor plays the violin and she's proud of it. She's also been playing the guitar for like... a year I guess. Maybe a little less. And I added that because if I didn't, she'd chew my head off. In a nice, friendly way. Oh, and she was obsessed with playing the banjo for a short period.
Becky's like, awesome. I met her in 5th grade, because she was best friends with Rachel. She likes her anime and such, and she's an artist herself. I don't really get to see her at all... but maybe next year.
And you've heard enough about Adam.

Umm... well.
I'm smart, I guess. I got put in honors classes, so I guess that can partially qualify you as smart.
And I got straight A's, so I guess thats another part of being smart.

Uhh... I like elipses... I guess thats how you spell it. And I'm a fan of Calvin and Hobbes and Hoops and Yoyo.
And I like music.
Its cool.
Especially Switchfoot. They're my favorite. And the world should know it.
I've got two of their shirts. Which is a lot for me, seeing as they're the only band shirts I own.

(Please excuse me if I make any spelling mistakes. I'm only human)

Actually, thats not true. About the shirts. Cause I've got a green day jacket that I got at goodwill. And its REALLY soft and I like it a lot :D

And my favorite color is purple.
I guess thats all you need to know for now.
Soo... yeah. The end.

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